Contrasts and followup tests using lmer
Many of the contrasts possible after lm and Anova models
are also possible using lmer
for multilevel models.
Let’s say we repeat one of the models used in a previous section, looking at the
effect of Days
of sleep deprivation on reaction times:
m <- lmer(Reaction~factor(Days)+(1|Subject), data=lme4::sleepstudy)
Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F)
factor(Days) 166235 18471 9 153 18.703 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
We can see a significant effect of Days
in the Anova table, and want to
compute followup tests.
To first estimate cell means and create an emmeans
object, you can use the
function in the emmeans::
m.emm <- emmeans(m, "Days")
Days emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0 257 11.5 42 234 280
1 264 11.5 42 241 288
2 265 11.5 42 242 288
3 283 11.5 42 260 306
4 289 11.5 42 266 312
5 309 11.5 42 285 332
6 312 11.5 42 289 335
7 319 11.5 42 296 342
8 337 11.5 42 314 360
9 351 11.5 42 328 374
Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger
Confidence level used: 0.95
It might be nice to extract these estimates and plot them:
m.emm.df <-
m.emm %>%
m.emm.df %>%
ggplot(aes(Days, estimate, ymin=conf.low, ymax=conf.high)) +
geom_pointrange() +
If we wanted to compare each day against every other day (i.e. all the pairwise
comparisons) we can use contrast()
# results not shown to save space
contrast(m.emm, 'tukey') %>%
broom::tidy() %>%
Or we might want to see if there was a significant change between any specific day and baseline:
# results not shown to save space
contrast(m.emm, 'trt.vs.ctrl') %>%
broom::tidy() %>%
head %>%
Perhaps more interesting in this example is to check the polynomial contrasts, to see if there was a linear or quadratic change in RT over days:
# results not shown to save space
contrast(m.emm, 'poly') %>%
broom::tidy() %>%
head(3) %>%
pander(caption="The first three polynomial contrasts. Note you'd have to have quite a fancy theory to warrant looking at any of the higher level polynomial terms.")